Tag: small business

  • A New Year and a New Focus

    Do you pick a word at the beginning of each year? I have for the last several years. In 2015 it was Thrive. Not entirely sure that year lived up to that, but I digress. In 2016 it was Conquer. I wanted to conquer the fear that was holding me back in life and business. I…

  • How To Research A Niche Market

    Getting people to your website is a very important skill. It’s not just about writing content and generating a buzz around it, although those are important skills too. If you area small business then you have your niche figured out.  If you are wanting to start something on the web or grow what you are…

  • Creating a Tailored Marketing Plan

    There are numerous aspects involved in developing an marketing plan. From budget to end goal, website marketing is a long-term process. It is also detailed process, which is the reason many site owners hire a marketing specialist to help them plan.  If you want some help with this check out our rates here. To start,…

  • How To Stay Focused In Your Home Business

    How To Stay Focused In Your Home Business

    Working from home takes a lot of self discipline. It is important if you are going to be working from your home and running the business yourself that you understand how to stay focused with your home business. One of the first things that will help you to stay focused is making sure that each…

  • 5 Services I Offer To Small Business

    (This article was first published on October 18, 2012. Prices were updated on September 14, 2017.) As a small business owner, you know about the power of being online.  I can help you for a small fee, you will save money compared to advertise offline. There are many different options to being online.  Most will require you…